Thursday, 27 January 2022

Grivory Knives Invisible to Metal Detectors: Should Security Guards Worry?

  Undetectable weapons passing through metal detectors have long been a bugaboo of the security industry. 3D printing experiments notwithstanding, usable non-metallic firearms are yet a pipe determination for the average criminal. "Plastic Glocks" caused a flurry of terror in the late 80s - the Austrian manufacturer developed a gun significant parts of which were made using non-ferrous polymer; although the barrel, slide and add-on parts were still made of metal, public shrewdness soon tainted the gun into a plastic weapon that was undetectable by metal detectors. This savings account of the Glock was notably portrayed in Die Hard II. However, the fears of a plastic gun were found to be largely baseless - as already mentioned, the real weapon at the base of the controversy had a number of metal parts, and security checkpoints equipped following metal detectors had tiny badly suffer finding them.

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